In putting together our resources on Formation we are looking at the principles of formation in Mercy. We also looked at the thematic areas where formation is ongoing as well as preparing some targeted formation pieces for those working in various aspects of the Mercy Family worldwide. Formation is a journey that never ends and it is founded on the following principles:

  • Formation is God’s mission.
  • Formation is Catholic.
  • Formation is inclusive.
  • Formation in invitational
  • Formation in relational.
  • Formation is grounded in everyday realities.
  • Formation is holistic.
  • Formation is vocational.
  • Formation is intentional.

(Be as Shining Lamps – a handbook for formation and reflection by Caroline Thompson)

Resources and Further Information

Our Formation Resource Page gathers and curates resources, making them accessible to all.

While these resources are curated under the themes you see below in our Formation Hexagon, we also invite you to explore our full website for lots more additional resources.