January 29, 2025

Introducing our new podcast Mercy Echoes

Mercy Echoes is the title of the brand new podcast coming soon from Mercy International Association.

The podcast will initially be available on Spotify and in time will be available on all major podcast platforms. It will also be available on our website and social media pages.

Mercy Echoes will be presented by Brenda Drumm, MIA's Head of Communications, and will feature voices from across the Mercy World.

Mercy Echoes will capture stories of challenge, change, joy, hope and will create a living archive of Mercy voices that will echo from the past and present into the future.

Episode One

Episode One will feature Sr Elizabeth Davis rsm speaking about transformation and synodality. Sr Elizabeth was one of 54 delegates to the recent Synod in Rome.

Capturing history

Commenting ahead of the podcast going live, Brenda Drumm said, "In the Mercy World we have some incredible stories to share. It will be wonderful to be able to capture and preserve these voices and stories.

"I am looking forward to bringing mercy, faith, justice, culture and shared experiences to life on our podcast.

"Tuning into a podcast should almost feel like you are eavesdropping on a conversation between two people who have a shared interest in something and are unpacking it over a cup of tea. I hope to make our podcast episodes conversational and relational, so please do subscribe and listen when we go live."

Connect with us

If you have a mercy story you think should be featured on the podcast or would like a prompt when the first episode is live, please email us: brendadrumm@mercyinternational.ie.


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