Celebrating 30 Years Of Mercy International Centre

Mercy In Action

Reflections From An Outgoing MGA Intern

Mercy Global Action

Reflections From An Outgoing MGA Intern

Mercy Global Action

Reflections From An Outgoing MGA Intern

A Reflection From Isabel Salter

Isabel Salter has come to the end of her ten-month internship at the Mercy Global Action office in New York. In this article, she reflects on her experience, delving into the unique dynamic of being part of the civil society community within the United Nations. She shares highlights from her journey and extends gratitude to those who made her time at MGA so special. Click below to access the MGA newsletter and read the article.

Sister Delores Hannon Honored By Creighton University And St. Edmond Catholic School

A Life Ministering In Mercy Education

Sister Delores Hannon Honored By Creighton University And St. Edmond Catholic School

A Life Ministering In Mercy Education

Sister Delores Hannon Honored By Creighton University And St. Edmond Catholic School

Last month Sr. Dee Hannon received two awards in recognition for her outstanding work in education. On May 11th Sr. Dee was awarded with an honorary degree from Creighton University. She is the first woman to be awarded the Creighton Prep Sword of St.Ignatius

Earlier in May (4th) her work with St Edmond Catholic School was acknowledged and honoured when she received a Faculty Citation Award.

Carlow University Roundtable Conference

Carlow University Roundtable Conference

Carlow University Roundtable Conference

In the first Mercy classroom, now the International Room at Mercy International Centre, the tenth Carlow Roundtable convened from May 26th until June 1st.

Originated by Carlow University in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, the Roundtable invites faculty and staff from the 17 Mercy institutions of higher education in America to gather in Catherine’s house to discuss how being a Mercy institution inspires the work that they do.

Mercy Matters

 On This Day


On This Day



Foundation to St Louis from New York - M Magdalen de Pazzi Bentley


Final profession of first Maori Sister, Elizabeth Ihaka

Circle Of Mercy Northern Province Ireland Visit To Mercy International Centre


Circle Of Mercy Northern Province Ireland Visit To Mercy International Centre

Returning to Baggot Street

Away back in the 1980’s, American musician John Denver wrote a song entitled “Some Days Are Diamonds (Some Days Are Stones)”. For 33 members of the Circle of Mercy (Northern Province), Wednesday 12th June 2024 was, without any shadow of doubt, a diamond – precious, multi-faceted and brilliant. From the minute we arrived from our various starting points – Downpatrick, Laurencetown, Newry, Rochfortbridge and Warrenpoint – and were greeted on the pavement by the smiling figure of Sr. Margaret Daly, we knew we were in for a special experience. We weren’t wrong.

MELF COHORT 3 - Presentations And Graduation

Mercy Global Action

MELF COHORT 3 - Presentations And Graduation

MGA Invites You to Attend the Research Presentations & Graduation of MELF Cohort 3

Cohort 3 of the MGA Emerging Leaders Fellowship will be arriving in Dublin for their final overseas immersion next week. As a core component of their program, the Fellows have developed extensive research presentations on a range of justice issues. MGA invites you to watch the Fellows' presentations online (July 10-11) and virtually attend their graduation (July 12). Click on the MGA newsletter below to see the schedule and RSVP your attendance.


Mercy Archivists From UK And Ireland


Mercy Archivists From UK And Ireland

It was with great joy that the group of Mercy Archivists, representing Institute, Federation and Union groups met up with our Irish counterparts in Dublin on 18th June 2024.  For some of us, it had been several years since we had been there, and we were all looking forward to seeing the transformation of the Heritage Centre.

Further Resources

Sr. Marissa's Profession Ceremony

Worth Watching

Sr. Marissa's Profession Ceremony

Sr. Marissa Butler made her profession of perpetual vows on Saturday, June 15, at St. James Catholic Church in Chicago, Illinois. Marissa entered the Sisters of Mercy in 2015 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She professed temporary vows in January 2021 in Waterloo, Iowa, renewing them in 2023. She has ministered with schools, hospitals, and social service providers. She currently serves as chaplain at Creighton University Medical Center-Bergan Mercy Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska.


Worth Reading


Here is a beautiful reflective poem written by Sr. Mary Wickham to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Mercy International Centre

Being Open to an Alternative Wisdom

Worth Reading

Being Open to an Alternative Wisdom

Read Sr. Veronica Lawson’s insightful reflection on the Gospel—14th Sunday Year B Mark 6:1-6.

Mercy Heritage

Worth Playing

Mercy Heritage

Listen to Sr. Diane Smyth sharing the story about Carrowcullen House Skreen, Co. Sligo, Ireland

Calming of the Storm

Worth Reading

Calming of the Storm

Kathleen Rushton describes how the story of the Calming of the Storm in Mark 4:35-41 highlights the qualities of discipleship for today


Mercy eNews

The newsletter of Mercy International Association is published monthly and distributed to subscribers via email. If you have any queries about the newsletter, please contact mercyenews@mercyinternational.ie

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