M Frances Warde
October 18

Close to God, all is peace and contentment.

M Frances Warde

July 13

Try to meet all with peace and ease.

Catherine McAuley

July 12

The constant interchange of prayer and service nourish one another.

Mary Daly

July 11

Without passion nothing happens. Without compassion, the wrong things happen.

Jan Eliason

July 10

That the mercy vision within the broader Christian context has survived for 160 years says something to me of its universality.

Jan Geason

July 09

Mother Catherine's insistence on and provision of good education for girls, middle-class as well as poor children, was a direct challenge to the injustices of her time.

Angela Bolster

July 08

The task of prophets is, in Catherine’s words, to speak what their mind/heart direct and act courageously.

Helen Marie Burns

July 07

Every Mercy Sister would do well to remember what impelled our first missionaries to cast the fire for the first kindling and made the Sisters "mobilise" their efforts to "give God

Dolores Liptak

July 06

God knows I would rather be cold and hungry than the poor in Kingstown or elsewhere should be deprived of any consolation in our power to afford.

Catherine McAuley

July 05

The union which exists among you will draw down the favour and blessing of Heaven.

Catherine McAuley

July 04

Let us never think any one individual necessary for carrying on the work of God…we can all be done without.

Mary Austin Carroll quoting Catherine McAuley

July 03

One has to try to espouse Catherine's two-fold commitment to trust and urgency: "While we place all our confidence in God - we must act as if all depended on our exertion".

Mary Sullivan

July 02

At times of crisis, Mercy people have realigned and dreamt of new ways of implementing the spirit and vision – indeed – taken the greatest risks.

Jan Geason

July 01

The choice for a life in union with Christ is a choice for a life within Christ’s church.

Doris Gottemoeller

June 30

One question proposed with simplicity is often the occasion of many instructions.

M Frances Warde

June 29

Catherine was energised by friendship, that choicest of all human gifts.

M Joanna Regan

June 28

Heaven’s the prize, so why should one be anxious? God’s eyes are ever towards us.

Natalie de Souza