Catherine McAuley
March 03

As the most acceptable return a benefactor can receive from those on whom he bestows favours is a countenance testifying the gratitude of the heart, how acceptable must it be to God.

Catherine McAuley

January 14

Let us never desire more than enough.

Catherine McAuley

January 13

Meditation... helps us to focus our attention and enables us to be connected to all that happens in our lives and in the World.

Kathleen McAlpin

January 12

What gives significance and relevance to our lives is the quality of our attachment to the Lord.

Gabrielle Jennings

January 11

Generosity of mind for the religious state ... is bestowing ourselves most freely and relying with unhesitating confidence on the Providence of God.

Catherine McAuley

January 10

She whirled to the boundaries of time… her step resounded mercy around the world.

Mary Vita Pandolfo

January 09

Let us not feel distressed that others know our faults. We all have our imperfections and shall have them till our death.

Catherine McAuley

January 08

We are not in great distress; our means are scanty but our wants are few.

M Ursula Frayne

January 07

No trouble is too great when obedience is concerned.

Catherine McAuley

January 06

The truest poverty consists in seeing that our wants are scantily supplied and rejoicing in the scarcity.

Catherine McAuley

January 05

"Love one another as I have loved you." This was the special command of Jesus Christ .... which as a most valuable legacy, He bequeathed to all His followers...

Catherine McAuley

January 04

Great tenderness of all things.

Catherine McAuley

January 03

When we give ourselves entirely into the hands of God He will so sweetly ordain all things for our greater comfort, even in this life.

Catherine McAuley

January 02

You should now enter on the ways of God.

Catherine McAuley

January 01

Put your whole confidence in God. He never will let you want necessaries for yourself or children.

Catherine McAuley

January 01

Catherine was ... a fearless pioneer in laying the foundations of an educational, healthcare and social network that long outlasted her own initial efforts.

Brenda Dolphin rsm

January 01

Pray for your portion of Easter grace, before the extra Treasury is closed. Pray fervently and constantly, do not give up until all is given you.

Catherine McAuley