Mercy Heritage on show on Culture Night 2024

Mercy Heritage on show on Culture Night 2024

Catherine McAuley and the Mission of Mercy 

As part of Culture Night on Friday 20 September, the doors of Catherine’s House on Baggot Street in Dublin will be open from 4.00pm until 8.00pm for guided tours, an opportunity to view the Heritage Centre and our exhibition entitled Catherine McAuley and the Mission of Mercy.  

We will also have an organ recital on our beautiful Telford Organ in our chapel with thanks to some of the students from the Royal Academy of Music.

All are welcome. 



Featured News

Mercy Global Presence

Mercy Global Presence

Join us on the journey as we centre our attention in the final segment, 'Integrated'.
Theme Four resources on 'Creating Circles & Culture of Mercy'' are now available

Mercy Global Action

Catherine's practical, whole-hearted response to the injustices of her day, inspires Mercy International Association to hear and respond to the 'cry of Earth and the cry of the Poor' in our day.

Catherine McAuley

Catherine McAuley was born in Dublin, Ireland, in September, 1778. In 1824 she used her inheritance from an Irish couple she had served for twenty years to build a large House of Mercy on Baggot Street, Dublin in response to the needs of the poor of Dublin. Today that house is known as Mercy International Centre and is home to the Mercy family from all over the world.

Catherine McAuley
Catherine McAuley

Prayers Requested

As a Mercy Community, we pray with those in need of physical healing through the intercession of Catherine McAuley.

Post your prayer

Today Mercy's Quote

We should have the most tender devotion to the blessed Mother of our Redeemer.

Catherine McAuley


Mercy eNews

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