Women's Christmas

January 2023

Friday, 6 January, 2023 12-2:30pm (Dublin) VIRTUAL

Women’s Christmas is an Irish tradition to mark the Feast of the Epiphany. This programme will uncover stories of the women who ministered with Jesus and provide space for rejuvenation.

To register email programmes@mercyinternational.ie

Programme Cost: €30


Women's Christmas Virtual Retreat

Featured Speaker: Sheila Curran, rsm

Join Mercy International Association virtually to celebrate Women's Christmas! Download the poster for the programme below. Questions and reservations can be sent to the Heritage and Spirituality Team at programmes@mercyinternational.ie.

MIA offers an unreserved apology to Sheila Curran RSM, a valued contributor to MIA, for the theologically incorrect wording of the original advertisement for the Women's Christmas Retreat. We regret any confusion that it may have caused. This wording has since been revised. The correct information can be found on this webpage (above).