October 11, 2024

Laudate Deum - new short film based on Pope Francis' 2023 document on climate crisis

Laudate Deum is the title of a new short film based on Pope Francis' 2023 Apostolic Exhortation document to all people of good will on the climate crisis.

This 20 minute film uses dramatic images and footage of the current climate crisis interspersed with excerpts from the document and expert observations offered by Caroline Brouiette, Executive Director of Climate Action Network Canada, Dr. Hilda Koster Professor of Theology and Ecology, University of Toronto and Dr. Darlene O'Leary, Co-ordinator of the Martha Justice Ministry, Antigonish, NS.

It is also an effective primer on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and analyses the effectiveness of the COP's or annual UN meetings concerning the Climate Crisis.

This film is supported by the Sisters of Mercy.

Click here to watch/download the film.

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