Where Mercy Meets Imagination

Mercy In Action

Mercy Global Action Task Force Publishes Handbook On Advocating Against Gender-Based Violence

Mercy Global Action

Mercy Global Action Task Force Publishes Handbook On Advocating Against Gender-Based Violence

Mercy Global Action

Mercy Global Action Task Force Publishes Handbook On Advocating Against Gender-Based Violence

After three months of online meetings and close collaboration, the MGA Women in Justice Leadership Task Force has come to an end. In commemoration of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence and the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, members of the Task Force were able to execute a 16-day social media campaign on Instagram (@miaglobalaction), as well as produce a rich publication titled ‘Gender-Based Violence Throughout the Lifecourse’. The publication examines the common forms of violence experienced at each stage of a woman’s life, from birth through to late adulthood, and puts forward a range of best practices from ministries across the Mercy World. Click the ‘read more’ button for Mercy Global Action’s latest newsletter and to access the publication.

The Aisling Centre: Supporting Positive Mental Health In Enniskillen

Mercy Bequests

The Aisling Centre: Supporting Positive Mental Health In Enniskillen

Mercy Bequests

The Aisling Centre: Supporting Positive Mental Health In Enniskillen

In recent months, the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy Northern Province gifted its former building at 37 Darling Street, to the Aisling Centre in Enniskillen in County Fermanagh.  Commenting on the gifting of the building, the Chairperson of the Aisling Centre, Alison Annan said: “We are very humbled by the trust that has been placed in us by the Sisters of Mercy in gifting the building to Aisling Centre.  We are honoured to continue to uphold the ethos of the founding members of the charity in providing hope, healing and growth to all who use our services.” Prior to the gifting of the building, the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy Northern Province provided the building rent-free for over 32 years. Today, the Aisling Centre provides a safe, inclusive and confidential space where the people of Enniskillen can find healing and growth.

Peerless Peer Compassion In South Sudan

Mercy Beyond Borders

Peerless Peer Compassion In South Sudan

Mercy Beyond Borders

Peerless Peer Compassion In South Sudan

Teens mostly worry about themselves: Am I beautiful? Likable? Who are my friends? Will I pass my exams?  What kind of life will I have after finishing school? Gloria Ajwoka is not a typical teen. When a fellow student’s father died (we’ll call her K), Gloria knew that K was losing not only a parent but the one who paid her school fees. K’s grief and anxiety caused her grades to slip, and she did not score well enough to merit a high school scholarship. Gloria knew that K would be at high risk for an immediate forced marriage if she could not pay for high school. Gloria stepped up. As a freshman in high school on a Mercy Beyond Borders scholarship, she took the initiative to rally dozens of fellow Mercy Beyond Borders high school Scholars. She convinced each of them to voluntarily pledge a portion of their own Mercy Beyond Borders pocket cash to pay for K’s annual tuition and school fees, essentially providing K with a scholarship funded entirely by her peers.

Empowering Futures: The MPower Mentorship Program

Mercy Works

Empowering Futures: The MPower Mentorship Program

Mercy Works

Empowering Futures: The MPower Mentorship Program

In the vibrant heart of Western Sydney, a transformative mentorship program is quietly shaping the destinies of young Sudanese men and women. The program, formerly known as the Josephite Refugee Mentor Support Program (JRSMP), now proudly bears the name MPower and will be managed by Mercy Works in 2024. MPower serves as an inspiring framework for mentors and mentees, forging pathways to tertiary education and meaningful employment. Born out of the profound realisation that many young Sudanese were facing daunting challenges after leaving school, the program embodies the Sudanese community’s resolve to create a brighter future for their youth.

Extractivism's Human Cost By Alexis Stephens


Extractivism's Human Cost By Alexis Stephens


Extractivism's Human Cost By Alexis Stephens

It’s hard to know what to expect when you embark on an extractivism pilgrimage. You enter into this journey prayerfully knowing that your life will be impacted. Our pilgrimage began with a visit to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. I was pleasantly surprised at the lush green grass and the beautiful lake, but later learned that the lake was highly contaminated. Over the next week we started our day with communal breakfast followed by prayer. It was a time to be spiritually sustained, and this was particularly helpful for me because each stop brought us to stories of exploitation, racism, degradation of the earth, failure of leadership at all levels, and lives and bodies traumatized. At each step we were accompanied by our earthen vessel, a special clay pot made by Marian Naranjo of the Santa Clara Pueblo, to house our prayers for the healing of the earth and for reconciliation.

McAuley Community Services For Women Helps Tackle Ethical Housing Policies

Mercy Ministry Companions

McAuley Community Services For Women Helps Tackle Ethical Housing Policies

Mercy Ministry Companions

McAuley Community Services For Women Helps Tackle Ethical Housing Policies

In recent weeks, Jocelyn Bignold, the CEO of McAuley Community Services for Women joined former federal MP and Minister Tim Wilson, and Catholic philosopher Professor John Haldane, for a panel discussion at Australian Catholic University on how to achieve ethical housing policies. The group enjoyed a lively discussion on how to begin to navigate the many competing economic and social considerations involved. CathNews (A Ministry of the Australian Bishops Conference) covered this fascinating panel discussion. See link to cathnews.com at the read more button.

Mercy Bakery Opens In Peru

Food Security

Mercy Bakery Opens In Peru

Food Security

Mercy Bakery Opens In Peru

Mercy Sisters in Newfoundland are delighted to announce the Christian community of Puerto Eten, on Peru's Northern Coast, have recently opened a bakery, which they have named in honor of the Sisters of Mercy. Over the past few years, large numbers of people from Venezuela have been arriving in Peru, seeking safety, shelter and hospitality. This new bakery provides bread to supplement the meals that the community has already been serving. Click on the link below to view a series of pictures of the new bakery.

Stories of Service: The Mercy Brown Bag Program In California

Works of Mercy

Stories of Service: The Mercy Brown Bag Program In California

Works of Mercy

Stories of Service: The Mercy Brown Bag Program In California

For over 40 years, the Mercy Brown Bag Program has provided fresh, free, healthy groceries to vulnerable older adults in California’s Alameda County, home to 25,000 nutrition-insecure seniors. Last year, the program distributed 2.5 million pounds of food in more than 120,000 bags. Each bag of groceries, which includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, is the only source of food for most of the 8,200 low-income, older adults who receive bags twice a month.

Mercy Matters

 On This Day


On This Day

January 25, 1846

First Mercy profession in Australia.

Catherine And The Spider By Sr. Mary Wickham RSM

Mercy Poetry

Catherine And The Spider By Sr. Mary Wickham RSM

In late 2023, Mercy International Association was gifted a poem by Sr. Mary Wickham rsm entitled ‘Catherine and the Spider’. The poem was inspired by Mary's visit to MIC and The Sacred Garden in September 2023. In ‘Catherine and the Spider’, Mary reflects on spending time with Catherine’s bronze statue and the enduring influence of history and story. Commenting on ‘Catherine and the Spider', Sr. Mary Wickham said: “Catherine's house and the sacred garden at Baggot St invite all of us to allow history, memory and imagination to lead us to a deeper understanding of Mercy and the ongoing Mercy story. As Carl Jung wrote, "Imagination is evidence of the divine." Click on the read more button to read Sr. Mary Wickham’s poem, ‘Catherine and the Spider’.

Celebrating The Unsung Heroes Of The Romero Centre’s Asylum Seeker Community Social Justice Award Winners - Rosario and Rodolfo Rodriguez


Celebrating The Unsung Heroes Of The Romero Centre’s Asylum Seeker Community

Mercy Community in Queensland recently celebrated the unsung heroes of its asylum seeker community at its annual Oscar Romero Awards Ceremony. Last year alone, more than 16,000 individuals sought safety and security in Australia, with 3,500 finding refuge in Queensland. Mercy Community supports around 440 of those seeking asylum through the work of its Romero Centre - which receives no government support and operates solely on donations from the wider community. Mercy Community Inclusion Manager, Dr. Rod Kippax, said the centre’s awards – sponsored by Brisbane’s All Hallows’ School - aimed to shine a light on the triumphant journeys of those forced to leave their homes due to war, natural disasters, poverty, or persecution.

Mercy Health Opens Whittlesea Early Parenting Centre

Mercy Health Australia

Mercy Health Opens Whittlesea Early Parenting Centre

In recent weeks, Mercy Health has opened the Woi-wurrung-yagila-wulumperi, Whittlesea Early Parenting Centre (WEPC). One of only three early parenting centres in Victoria, the WEPC will provide crucial day-stay and longer residential-stay programs for children aged up to four years old. The centre aims to improve the health, well-being and developmental outcomes of children by accompanying parents as they learn new strategies and skills.

Sr. Kelly Williams Professes Perpetual Vows

Final Vows

Sr. Kelly Williams Professes Perpetual Vows

Sr. Kelly Williams professed perpetual vows in a ceremony full of symbols of her life and ministry. She chose the hymn Here I Am, Lord to be sung during the presentation of gifts at the ceremony that took place on Saturday, November 25 2023, in the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist in Savannah, Georgia. The Sprinkling Rite included water from multiple locations, including Baggot Street, places where Kelly ministered and Mercy locations across the globe. Institute Vice President Sister Pat Flynn served as the minister for the sprinkling.

Seeds Of Change: Mercy Beyond Borders Gala 2024


Seeds Of Change: Mercy Beyond Borders Gala 2024

Mercy Beyond Borders Seeds Of Change Gala 2024 is open for bookings. This unique fundraising evening will take place on Saturday the 13th of April 2024 from 5pm to 8pm at Mercy Center, Burlingame, California. This year’s gala will honor Debbie & Paul Baker, Donors of the Year and Kathie Lowry, Volunteer of the Year. Individual ticket sales are now available. Click the read more button below for more information on this special Mercy community evening!

Sr. Patricia O' Donovan Live On Radio Maria Ireland

Mercy Heritage

Sr. Patricia O' Donovan Live On Radio Maria Ireland

Sr. Patricia O'Donovan rsm, the CEO of Mercy International Association, was delighted to join Fr. Eamonn McCarthy live on Radio Maria Ireland in December 2023. Patricia and Eamonn had a lovely conversation about the importance of hope, prayer and mercy in our world today. Click the read more link to listen to Chatechesis with Fr. Eamonn McCarthy.

Two Sisters To Profess Perpetual Vows In Guyana

Final Vows

Two Sisters To Profess Perpetual Vows In Guyana

The Institute Leadership Team recently approved Sisters Elizabeth Small and Margaret (Meg) Eckart for perpetual profession. Elizabeth’s ceremony will take place on Friday, February 2, 2024, and Meg’s profession will be held in July 2024. Elizabeth and Meg both entered the Sisters of Mercy on November 26, 2016, in Georgetown, Guyana, and professed temporary vows on December 12, 2020. Please continue to hold Elizabeth and Meg in prayer as they prepare for their final vows.

Grow Your Own At Mercy Hospital In Dunedin New Zealand

Training & Development

Grow Your Own At Mercy Hospital In Dunedin New Zealand

Mercy Hospital in Dunedin, New Zealand is delighted to announce that Anaesthetic Technician Trainees, Tracey, Jarrod and Matt were all successful in passing their registration exams in Christchurch in December 2023. Tracey and Jarrod started their training with Mercy in January 2021, with Matt joining them in May 2022, as a Registered Nurse, on the fast-track nurse graduate programme. This is a great example of Mercy’s strategy of ‘Grow our Own’ and make a meaningful contribution to sector workforce development.

Mercy College Coolock Perform At Baggot Street Chapel

Foundation Day

Mercy College Coolock Perform At Baggot Street Chapel

Mercy International Association was delighted to welcome students from Mercy College Coolock for our Foundation Day Carol Service in December 2023. Students from Mercy College Coolock performed a series of Advent songs and were accompanied on keyboard, vocals and guitar by Sisters Patricia O’Donovan rsm and Marie Cox rsm. On the night, visitors to Baggot Street Chapel enjoyed light refreshments followed by a range of moving Advent reflections. MC for the night was Susan Cahill, with readings from Sr. Margaret Daly rsm, Sr. Sior Cosgrove rsm, Dolores Heery, Director of Mission at Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and staff members Thomas Quirke and Sean Gillespie.

Sisters In Peru Honored With Marie Chin Legacy Award For 2023

Sisters In Peru Honored With Marie Chin Legacy Award For 2023

In December 2023, the Institute Leadership Team (ILT) honored the sisters in Peru with the 2023 Marie Chin Legacy Award. The award is named for the beloved former president of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, a native of Jamaica, who was committed to the empowerment of women and children. The award has been given annually since 2017, honoring ministries that are meeting critical needs and concerns, especially those of women, children and migrants.

Sr. Elizabeth Mwangi Professes Her Perpetual Vows

Final Vows

Sr. Elizabeth Mwangi Professes Her Perpetual Vows

On Saturday, January 6th 2024, Sr. Elizabeth (Liz) Mwangi professed her perpetual vows as a Sister of Mercy in the Salve Regina Parlor at the Convent of Mercy in Merion, Pennsylvania. Originally from Kenya, Liz cites her grandmother as her inspiration, saying, “her prayers are what brought me to Mercy.” Liz began her religious life with the Missionaries of Charity. In 2013, she was immediately attracted to the charism of Catherine McAuley after meeting Sisters of Mercy from Ireland, who were ministering in Kenya. During a visit to Baggot Street in 2019, Liz met a group of Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and was “touched by the way they interacted amongst themselves.” She found herself drawn to Mercy’s commitment to standing with and speaking for the poor and marginalized and was granted the request to transfer to the Sisters of Mercy, which she began in January 2021. “The Mercy charism,” she said, “attracts me every day. I want to serve God in this family for the rest of my life.”

Further Resources

World Day of Social Justice

Worth Knowing

World Day of Social Justice

Throughout her life, Catherine McAuley advocated for social justice. Today, poverty and inequality are on the rise in many parts of the world. World Day of Social Justice is celebrated on February 20, 2024. This year’s theme highlights our common agenda to strengthen global solidarity, overcome barriers, and unleash opportunities for social justice. Social justice is crucial to sustainable development. Social justice makes societies and economies function better; it promotes inclusivity and reduces poverty and social unrest.

Catherine: Stories of Leadership

Worth Playing

Catherine: Stories of Leadership

Mercy Audio Stories is a new digital storytelling project produced by Susan Cahill, Mercy International Association, celebrating Mercy’s rich and fascinating history. Here is an audio story presented by Sr. Sheila Carney, entitled Catherine: Stories of Leadership.

Pope Francis Message To Leaders At UN Climate Change Summit

Worth Reading

Pope Francis Message To Leaders At UN Climate Change Summit

Read Vatican News correspondent Linda Bordoni’s report on Pope Francis’s message to leaders at COP 28—the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC.

MIA Advent Zoom Gathering Resource

Worth Watching

MIA Advent Zoom Gathering Resource

In December 2023, Sr. Margaret Daly, Head of Heritage & Spirituality at Mercy International Association, facilitated a thought-provoking Zoom workshop entitled 'May Hope Be Yours: Mercy Women Advocating For Social Justice'. This powerful reflective gathering explored the relationship between hope, Mercy and justice and featured testimonies from social justice advocates from around the Mercy world. Click the watch link below to view this engaging social justice resource.

Reflection On Mark 1:21-28

Worth Reading

Reflection On Mark 1:21-28

Read Sr. Veronica Lawson’s insightful Gospel reflection on the Gospel on the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B (Mark 1:21-28).

Sr. Angela Perez Reflects On The Synod  

Worth Watching

Sr. Angela Perez Reflects On The Synod

Watch Sr. Angela Perez reflect on her experience of the Synod. This presentation took place on Monday, November 6, 2023, in Belmont, North Carolina, before Sr. Angela returned to Guam.

Falling Deeper Into God

Worth Reading

Falling Deeper Into God

Read Pauline Hovey’s fascinating reflection for the National Catholic Reporter on trusting in God’s love.

Father Fessio In Five Podcast

Worth Playing

Father Fessio In Five Podcast

Listen to Ignatius Press founder and editor Father Joseph Fessio S.J. discuss (The Meaning of Perseverance: Colossians Up Close ) in his delightful podcast, Father Fessio in Five.

Australian Women Preach Podcast

Worth Playing

Australian Women Preach Podcast

The Australian Women Preach Podcast is produced by Louise Maher and is a fascinating digital media initiative of WATAC (Women and the Australian Church) and the Grail in Australia. Here is a recent episode of the podcast with Dr. Trish Hindmarsh, a former Director of Catholic Education in Tasmania. Please click on the link below to listen to this fascinating and relevant podcast.

The Catholic Bishops of Africa Reject Pope's Call For Same-Sex Blessings

Worth Reading

The Catholic Bishops of Africa Reject Pope's Call For Same-Sex Blessings

In recent days, Catholic bishops across Africa have rejected Pope Francis's call for same-sex blessings. Read Salvatore Cernuzio's article for Vatican news on this controversial issue.


Mercy eNews

The newsletter of Mercy International Association is published monthly and distributed to subscribers via email. If you have any queries about the newsletter, please contact mercyenews@mercyinternational.ie

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