Opening Doors:  A New Path For Mercy International Association

Mercy In Action

Application Announcement For Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship

Mercy Global Action

Application Announcement For Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship

Mercy Global Action

Application Announcement For Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship

Are you passionate about advancing Mercy and Justice? The Mercy Global Action Office is seeking expressions of interest for the MGA Emerging Leaders Fellowship 2024-2025! This international leadership program is fully funded, and unique in the ways in which it provides an opportunity for ten women to establish strong links and networking across the Mercy World through international encounters, webinars and modules, mentorship and more. The fellowship program has been designed to stimulate creative and critical thinking, promote collaborative leadership and personal reflection leading to a compassionate and communal response to current concerns of our world. For information on how to apply for the MELF fellowship, please send a letter of interest to MELF Program Manager, Marietta Latonio at

View the MELF brochure by clicking on read more!

Sisters In Panama Join In Protests Against Mining Project


Sisters In Panama Join In Protests Against Mining Project


Sisters In Panama Join In Protests Against Mining Project

Many movements and organizations in Panama including the Sisters of Mercy have joined the Panamanian people in demonstrating their dissatisfaction with the rapid approval of a mining contract on October 20, 2023. The outcry demands the government to take into account the people’s opposition to the clearly unconstitutional law authorizing the contract with Minera Panama (Canadian company First Quantum Minerals). Several mining projects are being approved and this one, the largest in Central America, is facing resistance.   The Prophetic Voice Commission issued a statement protesting approval of a massive mining project in Panama as Sisters around the country including Sisters Dina Altamiranda, Nieves Jiménez and Edith González joined in the demonstrations against this latest example of extractivism.

In Good Company

Mercy Palliative Care

In Good Company

Mercy Palliative Care

In Good Company

Once a week, Mercy Palliative Care volunteer Brian Young visits palliative care patient, Allan Howlett, at his Werribee home to provide companionship and practical support. Allan does not have a 24/7 carer so sometimes he needs a bit of a break and some company,” Brian says. “That’s where I come in.” Allan lives with emphysema, which at times restricts his ability to get out in the community. “It affects what I can and cannot do. If I have a bad day, it is difficult for me to do even a supermarket trip,” Allan says. “When Brian visits, it provides a bit of a break and makes the day go a bit better.”

Children's Grief Centre Officially Opened In Limerick

Social Impact

Children's Grief Centre Officially Opened In Limerick

Social Impact

Children's Grief Centre Officially Opened In Limerick

The new building for the Children’s Grief Centre was officially opened on 21st September 2023. It is located beside the John Henry Newman Campus at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.  In 2020, the building was gifted to the Children’s Grief Centre by the South Central Province of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy. This building has been transformed into a sanctuary of hope and healing, where children and young people are given the space to express their emotions and play in a safe and supportive environment. This newly redeveloped premises can now accommodate a larger number of bereaved and grieving children.

The Nudgee Trust: Caring For Refugees

Supporting Refugees

The Nudgee Trust: Caring For Refugees

Supporting Refugees

The Nudgee Trust: Caring For Refugees

There is still no end in sight to the war in Ukraine, but refugees from the conflict are finding hope and health care in Queensland thanks to the support of the Nudgee Trust. The Mater Refugee Complex Care Clinic (MRCCC) has been a major beneficiary of trust funding over its 21 years of operation at Mater’s South Brisbane health campus. The clinic provides specialised nursing, general practice, paediatric and psychiatry services to people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds.

A Story Of Resilience In South Sudan

Mercy Beyond Borders

A Story Of Resilience In South Sudan

Mercy Beyond Borders

A Story Of Resilience In South Sudan

It was one bright evening when the sun was setting and splashing its beautiful red glows on the sky. The birds were singing melodious songs, filling the surroundings with a tranquil melody.  It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop... I had been working hard and felt a mild headache. I sat on the neatly arranged stones to nurse the miseries of the sunny day. Feeling drowsy, I retreated to my modest bed, layered with a single worn-out blanket, and fell into a deep sleep. At one shake of a lamb’s tail, I heard a voice screaming, “Please, my daughter, help me!” It seemed to come from my mother’s house. I shuddered with fear and immediately jumped out of bed to go and see what was wrong.

Rhode Island Sisters Protest On Behalf Of Unhoused People


Rhode Island Sisters Protest On Behalf Of Unhoused People


Rhode Island Sisters Protest On Behalf Of Unhoused People

The Sisters of Mercy in Rhode Island, New England took part in a protest at Providence City Hall in October to demand shelter for the city’s unhoused population and to end the raiding of encampments. The protest was in collaboration with the Rhode Island Housing Advocacy Project, the Rhode Island Poor People’s Campaign and others. Rhode Island is typically short more than 300 shelter beds a night, so many unhoused people set up encampments hidden in the woods. Sister Mary Pendergast shared, “We are urging the mayor and the police to leave people living in encampments alone, including with the signage, ‘Don’t raid the camps!’

Mercy Global Action 16 Days Of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Campaign

Gender Based Violence

Mercy Global Action 16 Days Of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Campaign

Gender Based Violence

Mercy Global Action 16 Days Of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Campaign

Members of the MGA Women in Justice Leadership Task Force have designed a targeted advocacy campaign for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence (25 Nov - 10 Dec) and the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This campaign highlights the common forms of violence experienced during the life course of a woman, and offers a range of best practice preventative strategies, policies and response programs from around Mercy World. Engage with the campaign on Instagram @miaglobalaction. Click the read more button for Mercy Global Action’s latest newsletter.

Mercy Matters

 On This Day


On This Day

November 30, 2006

The inaugural Catherine McAuley Lecture is delivered by Dr Alice Sinnott rsm. The lecture series would become an annual event.

Volunteering At Catherine's House


Volunteering At Catherine's House

Have you ever wondered what it is like to volunteer at Mercy International Association? Each year Mercy International Association hosts volunteers from across our Mercy world including men and women from America, Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. Volunteers are hugely important to the day-to day running of Catherine’s House and support all programming and events activities. Listen to Phil Murphy and Evelyn Maloney talk about their experiences of volunteering at Catherine’s House.

Microsoft and Mercy Collaborate to Empower Clinicians to Transform Patient Care With Generative AI

Patient Care

Microsoft and Mercy Collaborate to Empower Clinicians to Transform Patient Care With Generative AI

Microsoft and Mercy are forging a long-term collaboration using generative AI and other digital technologies to give physicians, advance practice providers and nurses more time to care for patients and improve the patient experience. This work represents what’s next in healthcare for applying advanced digital technologies to the delivery of care to consumers.

Mercy International Association Announces 2023 Advent Series

Advent Celebrations

Mercy International Association Announces 2023 Advent Series

Mercy International Association is delighted to announce its 2023 Advent Series. Throughout the month of December, Mercy International Association will host a range of free online and offline Advent events including: an Advent podcast which will be available off from Monday the 4th of December 2023, an Advent zoom gathering at 12 noon (Irish Standard Time) on Thursday the 7th of December 2023 and a Carol Service at Baggot Street Chapel on Thursday the 12th of December 2023 from 5.30pm to 7pm.

Listening To Call To Action Of The Laudate Deum By Sr. Ana María Siufi 

Global Warming

Listening To Call To Action Of The Laudate Deum By Sr. Ana María Siufi 

Eight years after the Laudato Si, Pope Francis released the Laudate Deum exhortation, which also is directed toward every person of goodwill as it describes the problems, analyzes their causes and demands immediate action to address the climate crisis. Francis wants to bring the encyclical up to date, creating a sense of urgency about this dramatic global social problem, which is caused by structural sin. He sounds the alarm focusing on the sad experience of communities around the world, as well as the science that has been documenting the effects of climate change provoked by the reckless development of powerful countries.

Opening Doors At Catherine's House

Mercy Collaboration

Opening Doors At Catherine's House

Opening Doors focuses on consulting with those who are actively seeking to be involved in the life of Mercy International Association and creating channels through which people of Mercy can participate more actively in the life of the Association. Click on the (read more) link below to listen to Sr. Denise Fox discuss the importance of Opening Doors with Leaders from Mercy Ministries from across the world.

Sandy Flaherty And Angie Simonetti Honored For Leadership In Mercy Education

Education Award

Sandy Flaherty And Angie Simonetti Honored For Leadership In Mercy Education

Sandy Flaherty and Angie Simonetti, both members of the leadership team at Mercy High School in Burlingame, California, were presented the Sister Corinne Raven Mercy Education Leadership Award on the 12th of October 2023 at the 41st annual Mercy Education Conference in Kingston, Jamaica. The award was established in 2022 to honor Sister Corinne Raven, RSM, a pillar of the Mercy Education community. It recognizes individuals who have made a lasting impact on Mercy education and inspired others through their commitment to the Mercy Education Core Values.

The Claire May Grant Fund

Mercy Ministries Funding

The Claire May Grant Fund

Grants are available from The Claire May Grant Fund as a result of a bequest to Connecticut Mercy Associates from Claire, a long time Connecticut Mercy Associate. Claire’s gift furthers Mercy ministries in supporting spiritual development and assisting the materially poor, furthering a legacy that she created during her life. Her commitment to Mercy spirituality, the Critical Concerns, and her community of Bridgeport, CT, directed her in life and guided this gift upon her death.

Mercy Justice 2024 Social Justice Video Contest


Mercy Justice 2024 Social Justice Video Contest

The Mercy Justice Team in America is inviting Mercy students from around the world to create a short, social media style PSA (public service announcement) video – think Reels or TikTok – that reflects the Sisters of Mercy’s Critical Concerns. Video entries must focus on one of these topics - Immigration or Voting. Put those creative ideas and video skills to work and you could win $500! All entries must be received by April 3, 2024. Winning entries may be featured on the Sisters of Mercy Institute web site and social media channels.

Sr. Meredith Evans Wins 2024 SA Senior Australian Of The Year

Australian Of The Year Awards

Sr. Meredith Evans Wins 2024 SA Senior Australian Of The Year

In early November, Sr. Meredith Evans was awarded the 2024 SA Senior Australian of the Year Award. Meredith has dedicated her life to helping the vulnerable and inspiring others to do the same. Through her vocation, Meredith has provided care and assistance to many – including refugees, young people, women experiencing homelessness, women exiting violent relationships and women leaving prison. In 2019, Meredith established the South Australian division of Young Mercy Links – a network of young people passionate about social justice, advocacy and education. She was also instrumental in re-establishing Justice for Refugees SA and the Young Christian Workers Movement in South Australia. 

Transplanting The Catherine McAuley Rose To The Australian Ambassador’s Residence In Ireland

The Catherine McAuley Rose

Transplanting The Catherine McAuley Rose To The Australian Ambassador’s Residence In Ireland

In November, Mercy International Association was delighted to welcome the Australian Ambassador to Ireland, The Hon. Gary Gray AO and Horticulturist Olga Muzychuk to the Sacred Garden at MIC to transplant one of our beautiful Catherine McAuley rose bushes (originally developed by the Sisters of Mercy in North Sydney, Australia) to the Ambassador’s residence in Killiney, Co Dublin.

Further Resources

Human Rights Day

Worth Knowing

Human Rights Day

Catherine McAuley advocated on the concept of human dignity. The 10th of December 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This ground breaking Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on the 10th of December 1948 and enshrines the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or social origin or other status. This year’s celebrations will highlight universality, progress and engagement with pledges on a vision for the future of human rights.

I Was Hungry and You Fed Me By Kathleen Rushton

Worth Reading

I Was Hungry and You Fed Me By Kathleen Rushton

Read Sr. Kathleen Rushton’s powerful reflection on the scene of the Great Judgement in her exploration of the Gospel according to Matthew (1:23; 18:20; 28:20).

Together We Grow Podcast

Worth Playing

Together We Grow Podcast

The final episode of Season one of the Mercy Connect ‘Together we grow’ podcast is now live. In this episode, Jen Tait, the Managing Director of Purple Chicken and long-term disability sector advocate, shares her experiences, knowledge, and perspectives on the NDIS and talks about how the Purple Chicken has supported people with disability to achieve life goals and create equity within our community. .

MECPATHS Video With Minister For Justice Ireland

Worth Watching

MECPATHS Video With Minister For Justice Ireland

MECPATHS collaborates closely with private, statutory and non-statutory agencies and organisations working to counter Child Trafficking including An Garda Síochána and The Department of Justice.  Their appreciation to Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, for her words of encouragement as the project commits to training 43,000 licensees of The Private Security Authority, under The Department of Justice, over the coming 3-year period.

A Tribute To The Women Of The Synod

Worth Watching

A Tribute To The Women Of The Synod

This moving video is a tribute to the all the women present at the Synod for their contribution.

Experience Of The 16th Ordinary General Assembly Of The Synod of Bishops

Worth Watching

Experience Of The 16th Ordinary General Assembly Of The Synod of Bishops

Watch the participants of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops share their experiences of the synodal journey. Sr. Angela Perez comments at the 2:15 minute mark and Sr. Elizabeth Davis comments around the 8:00 minute mark. This video was produced by the Synod of Bishops.

Reflection On The Gospel-Solemnity Of Christ The King Year A

Worth Reading

Reflection On The Gospel-Solemnity Of Christ The King Year A

Read Sr. Veronica Lawson’s insightful Gospel reflection ‘Inheriting the Kin-dom of Justice and Peace’ an exploration on the Gospel-Solemnity of Christ the King Year A (Matthew 25:31-46).


Mercy eNews

The newsletter of Mercy International Association is published monthly and distributed to subscribers via email. If you have any queries about the newsletter, please contact

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