Celebrating Catherine on Culture Night

Sr. Patricia O'Donovan & Sr. Marie Cox

Mercy In Action

Sr. Elizabeth Davis To Attend The Synod On Synodality  In  Rome

Participation In The Synod

Sr. Elizabeth Davis To Attend The Synod On Synodality In Rome

Participation In The Synod

Sr. Elizabeth Davis To Attend The Synod On Synodality In Rome

In October 2023, Sr. Elizabeth Davis will leave Newfoundland and Labrador to attend the Synod on Synodality in Rome. The call of the Synod is to: Communion, Participation and Mission. Elizabeth will be among 364 voting members in the 16 Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod and one of two Sisters of Mercy who will be voting members. The second Sister of Mercy is Sister Angela Perez from Guam, a member of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas.

Catherine Edwards Reflects On Her MGA Internship

Mercy Global Action

Catherine Edwards Reflects On Her MGA Internship

Mercy Global Action

Catherine Edwards Reflects On Her MGA Internship

When I started my internship at Mercy Global Action at the United Nations last October, I was filled with anticipation and enthusiasm. Little did I know that my journey would not only be exciting but also transform into deep respect and admiration for the relentless dedication of the MGA team.

 Reaching Out To The Homeless

The Mercy Pedalers

Reaching Out To The Homeless

The Mercy Pedalers

Reaching Out To The Homeless

Sr. Libby Fernandez and her team of volunteers pedal through the city of Sacramento providing food, water and other vital resources to marginalised groups living in poverty in the city. Recently Sister Libby was featured on The Kelly Clarkson Show in America highlighting her inspirational work with the Mercy Pedalers and the homeless of Sacramento.

MBB Scholarships For Haitian Students

Mercy Beyond Borders

MBB Scholarships For Haitian Students

Mercy Beyond Borders

MBB Scholarships For Haitian Students

Today Mercy Beyond Borders is supporting the MBB Scholarship progamme in Haiti - educating over 136 girls in the country. The Mercy Learning Center is powered by solar energy and is providing hope, necessary skills and sustainable futures for the young women of Haiti. Sr. Marilyn Lacey is the Founder and Executive Director of Mercy Beyond Borders. Read her latest article on the chronic human development challenges facing the people of Haiti.

Celebrating Mercy Day At Catherine's House

Mercy Day

Celebrating Mercy Day At Catherine's House

Mercy Day

Celebrating Mercy Day At Catherine's House

On Sunday the 24th of September 2023, Eucharist was celebrated in the chapel in Baggot Street. Sisters and friends gathered to commemorate the historic opening of the First House of Mercy in 1827. Fr. John O’Gara, a great friend of Mercy International Association celebrated the Eucharist. Margaret Daly shared a very moving reflection on what Mercy calls us to do today. The congregation enjoyed a wide variety of music provided by Marie Cox and Patricia O’ Donovan. Please visit mercyworld.org for a recording of the Eucharist.

From Sparks to Fire: A Guide To Justice Advocacy For The Global Mercy Community


From Sparks to Fire: A Guide To Justice Advocacy For The Global Mercy Community


From Sparks to Fire: A Guide To Justice Advocacy For The Global Mercy Community

On Sunday the 24th of September 2023, Mercy Global Action published a new guide to Mercy justice advocacy - 'From Sparks to Fire: A Guide to Justice Advocacy for the Global Mercy Community'. This Guide is a culmination of years of learning, research and experience working with grassroots organisations as well as institutional players at the United Nations. It is aimed at anyone interested or engaged in justice advocacy, particularly those working through a Mercy lens.

MGA Introduces Two New Interns For 2023-2024

MGA Introduces Two New Interns For 2023-2024

MGA Introduces Two New Interns For 2023-2024

Meet Izzy Salter and Eleanor Moreland, Mercy Global Action’s two new interns for 2023-2024! Eleanor is originally from Brisbane, Australia, but has spent the last 4 years at Trinity College Dublin, leaving with a degree in Politics, Philosophy, Economics, and Sociology. Izzy has come to us all the way from Adelaide, South Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Advanced, majoring in Politics and International Relations as well as Chinese Studies.

Mercy Matters

 On This Day


On This Day

September 28, 1863

Foundation to Greenbush, Albany from New York.

Retreat Into Silence: Siobhan Kenny Blog


Retreat Into Silence: Siobhan Kenny Blog

A number of years ago I started undertaking silent retreats – diffusing the external noise, reaching inward and gaining a clarity to return back with a renewed perspective.  The onset of COVID-19 meant that it is has been some years since I have had the opportunity to go on retreat. I feared I would have lost its essence but thankfully that was not the case.

Sr. Nicole Keenan Final Profession

Final Profession

Sr. Nicole Keenan Final Profession

On the 11th of August 2023, Sr. Nicole Keenan made her Final Profession with the Institute of Our Lady of Mercy in the Most Holy Trinity Church, Bermondsey, UK. It was a beautiful occasion and some of Nicole’s family including her mother Colleen and her brother Evan travelled from New Zealand to be with her as well as many Sisters and friends.

Prestigious Award For Australian Mercy Health Clinician

Awards For Excellence

Prestigious Award For Australian Mercy Health Clinician

Professor Michael Rasmussen has been awarded the Sister Maria Cunningham Lifetime Contribution Award for his 40 years of dedicated service to Mercy Health in Australia. The Sr Maria Cunningham Lifetime Contribution Award is bestowed by the CHA Stewardship Board on Catholic health leaders who have made significant contributions to the Church's presence in health and aged care, and inspired others working in Catholic health and aged care ministries in Australia.

Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship In Cambodia

Mercy Global Action

Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship In Cambodia

Cohort 3 of the Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellowship (MELF) had their first international immersion in Siem Reap, Cambodia from August 21st - 30th, 2023. The ten days were both busy and fulfilling, consisting of workshops on Mercy, justice and leadership, grassroots engagement, and advocacy trainings on issues related to the degradation of Earth and Displacement of People. 

Sr. Rose Schoolcraft


Sr. Rose Schoolcraft

Mercy International Association would like to extend its condolences to the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas and the many friends, colleagues and supporters of Sr. Rose Schoolcraft who died peacefully on Friday, September 15 2023. Rose served for three years as Finance Director at Mercy International Association (2006-2009) and was known for her kindness, discretion and professional expertise in financial administration, technology and management.

Mercy Conference On Aging

Virtual Conference

Mercy Conference On Aging

The 20th National Mercy Network on Aging Conference: The Ministry of Accompaniment will take place virtually on Tuesday, October 10, and Wednesday, October 11, 2023. Conference attendance is highly recommended for those who accompany others on their path of aging, including all sisters and staff.

Further Resources

World Mental Health Day October 10th 2023

Worth Knowing

World Mental Health Day October 10th 2023

Catherine McAuley believed in the concept of human dignity. Today over 970 million people around the world struggle with some form of mental illness while over 8 million deaths each year are attributed to mental health disorders. World Mental Health Day aims to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize global efforts in support of mental health.

Creation Spirituality And The Ecological Crisis

Worth Reading

Creation Spirituality And The Ecological Crisis

The general distrust between scientists and theologians delayed development of our understanding of creation and evolution leading to the cosmic story. Creation is not a static, fixed event but an ongoing act of creativity.  All life is connected at the most basic level and we are the supreme culmination of God’s creation.

Worth Reading

Mercy eNews

The newsletter of Mercy International Association is published monthly and distributed to subscribers via email. If you have any queries about the newsletter, please contact mercyenews@mercyinternational.ie

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