Sabbatical Retreat Reflection

Vision in Action

What Mercy Women Leaders are Reading!

Mercy Global Action

What Mercy Women Leaders are Reading!

Mercy Global Action

What Mercy Women Leaders are Reading!

Mercy Global Action's Leadership Generating Project team (Colleen Swain + Jemima Welsh) are currently working on a position paper on Mercy women's leadership. This paper seeks to honour the legacy of the Sisters of Mercy around the world and explore contemporary understandings of, and hopes for, Mercy leadership in areas such as global justice advocacy, women's rights, education, and the Catholic church.

In writing this paper, we hope to highlight the myriad of stories of amazing leadership work undertaken (sometimes very quietly) by vowed and lay women of Mercy. We also aim to equip Mercy Global Action with the knowledge to speak at the United Nations and other international platforms about the value of Mercy women’s leadership.

At the beginning of this project, we sent out a survey to Mercy women leaders around the world, inviting thoughts and stories. One question in particular asked: If you could recommend a book/movie/podcast/poem/ article to an emerging Mercy leader, what would you choose and why?

  • I love the movie The Inn of the 6th Happiness. We must never allow others to deny us the ability to be our best and most productive selves. The heroine, Gladys, believed in herself, even when others did not.
  • Patient Trust, Prayer of Teilhard de Chardin - because we often want leadership to happen faster than is reasonable. A Plastic Ocean documentary - because we need to make more substantial commitments to our relationship with Earth. 13th documentary - because institutional racism exists and we in Mercy need to actively work to dismantle it. Peter Sidebotham’s Come, walk on the water with me prayer - we all need a little inspiration to do the impossible!
MIA Prayer Intention: Mary Mother of God


MIA Prayer Intention: Mary Mother of God


MIA Prayer Intention: Mary Mother of God

In this month dedicated to Mary, may we come to know her anew through appreciating and supporting women who today face challenges such as Mary faced: including, ‘mother of the homeless’, ‘mother of political prisoner’, ‘mother of the condemned’, ‘political refugee’, ‘seeker of sanctuary.’

Let us hold these contemporary women in our thoughts.

Together, we pray…
Glory to you, God our Savior. Lead us in the way of peace and justice. Glory to you, God, healing Spirit. Transform us to empower others.

Mary, wellspring of peace .......... Be our guide,
Model of strength, Model of gentleness

Mother of the liberator ………. Pray for us.
Mother of the homeless, Mother of the dying

Oppressed woman ………. Lead us to life.
Liberator of the oppressed, Marginalized woman

Woman of mercy ………. Empower us.
Woman of faith, Woman of contemplation

Mary, Queen of Peace, we entrust our lives to you.
Shelter us from war, hatred and oppression.
Inspire us to act justly, to revere all God has made.
Root peace firmly in our hearts and in our world. Amen.

Prayer: Adapted Litany of Mary of Nazareth from The Fire of Peace: A Prayer Book.

Mercy Matters

On This Day


On This Day

May 3, 1848: Opening of the first permanent Mercy convent in Australia - Perth, Western Australia

1871: Foundation to Carndonagh from Derry, Northern Ireland

1980: Foundation to Adelaide, South Australia from Buenos Aires, Argentina - M Evangelista Fitzpatrick

Contribute a fact from your Mercy congregation, institute, or federation, to our online archive.

MIC Hosts Afternoon Tea

Mercy International Centre

MIC Hosts Afternoon Tea

Last week, Mercy International Centre in Dublin hosted a historical high tea event. Guests were given a tour of Catherine's House and enjoyed tea in the Callaghan Room. The staff dressed in historical attire to tell Catherine's story which was much appreciated by the guests, many of whom experienced Catherine's House for the first time!

Mercy Works Radio Back on Air

Mercy Ministry

Mercy Works Radio Back on Air

For well over a decade Maryanne Kolkia RSM (pictured with colleague Gabriella Kawage) has been broadcasting daily in Papua New Guinea to more than 500,000 people. A fire in 2021 meant innovative means had to be introduced to get vital information to the community. Now, thanks to a grant, Mercy Works radio is back on air raising awareness of issues impacting people's well-being and way of life.   

Further Resources

Mercy Housing in Denver (America) will create 187 homes for Indigenous people!

Worth Reading

Mercy Housing in Denver (America) will create 187 homes for Indigenous people!

Shelly Marquez, president of Mercy Housing Mercy Plains, noted that those experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in Native communities have "more than doubled over the last decade." The project will feature a health clinic, access to mental health services, out-of-school programmes for youth, and is near public transit.

Bill Ziegler (Kul Wicasa Lakota), the principal housing consultant with The Native American Housing Circle wrote "This development will be an important step in the process of addressing the housing disparities that exist within metro Denver’s Native American community."

Marquez states “Housing is important, but it’s more than just a house and four walls. It’s really an opportunity for us to bring resources and services that allow individuals to thrive in their environment.”

Read the Full Article
Laudato Sí Week 2023

Worth Knowing

Laudato Sí Week 2023

The Laudato Sí Movement invites all to participate in Laudato Si' Week from May 21-28 while engaging the theme Hope for the Earth, Hope for Humanity.

“This annual celebration allows us to commemorate the eighth anniversary of Pope Francis' historic encyclical on the care of Creation, and to reflect on the progress we have made in protecting our common home.”

In addition, you are encouraged to participate in the global event on Saturday, May 27 at 19:00 (Rome) Responding to The Letter, an online dialogue with experts in economics, Church, civil society, and education, who will share practical solutions to address the climate crisis.

Information and Resources
Mercy Education System of the Americas Highlight

Worth Knowing

Mercy Education System of the Americas Highlight

Mercy Education System of the Americas shared an update on a Mercy Secondary School! The Arts Club at Holy Cross High School in Kolambugan, Philippines participated in a municipal mural painting contest themed on protecting life and avoiding drugs. Their mural is entitled "Breaking the Chains of Addiction: Embracing Life to the Fullest and Choosing a Bright Future." The artists shared that they hope their mural will help youths understand that with faith, love, hope, and courage, they can live a drug-free life and achieve their dreams. Thank you Mercy students, for sharing your art with the world!

Mercy eNews

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