A Mercy College in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand Helps Keep the Planet Clean
“It was so good on a sunny day coming to St Catherine’s Ewaste collection to be greeted by your warm, smiling faces!” Just one of the many comments St Catherine’s College Parent Teacher Association received after completing our third annual collection of a huge variety of Ewaste items from the people of the Eastern and Southern suburbs of Wellington.
In partnership with Wellington Host Lions Club the event was advertised widely, sponsored by Lowe and Co Real Estate. The take-up this year was greatly enhanced because of the wider advertising in social media, roadside signs, radio ads and poster drops. At 8am the first of 33 willing PTA members, Lions and college staff arrived at the College (High School) in Kilbirnie. Later some students came to help. Cones and ropes kept people safe as cars entered the grounds, no more than a few at a time. A steady stream from 9am – 2pm came through the drop off stations.
The aim in running this programme is twofold. Firstly, it helps keep Planet Earth clean. People are much more aware of the urgency of this now so are pleased to have an opportunity to safely dispose of their electrical waste. Secondly, through charging a minimal fee, which provides a profit after costs are covered, the college benefits by being able to meet the needs of students, many of whose families are struggling to make ends meet in the current economic climate.
This year too we changed the way we delivered the collected goods, a whole furniture truck packed full (sponsored by Cross Country Rentals), to our recyclers who then processed the truck contents. By having only one truck instead of four cars with trailers and the college van, we cut down on emissions, a win for the Planet.
Sister Stephanie Kitching, a member of her Lions Club for 17 years, says this is one of the most worthwhile ventures she has been involved with.
Ko nga pae tawhiti whaia kia tata, ko nga pae tata, whakamaua kia tina. The potential for tomorrow depends on what we do today.
Atawhai mai. Atawhai atu. Mercy given. Mercy received.