M Frances Warde
October 18

Close to God, all is peace and contentment.

M Frances Warde

June 11

We ought then have great confidence in God in the discharge of all these offices of Mercy, spiritual and corporal, which constitute the business of our lives, and assure ourselves

Catherine McAuley

June 10

Jesus still waits by our wayside, hidden in the circumstances of our lives.

M Carmel Bourke

June 09

Evening after evening we sallied forth, walking sometimes through the bush, and not leaving a single cottage unvisited.

M Ursula Frayne

June 08

This Institute is in a special manner founded on Calvary, there to serve a crucified Redeemer.

Catherine McAuley

June 07

Catherine’s basic stance in life was a remarkable trust in God’s providence.

Jan Geason

June 06

While we place all our confidence in God, we must act as if all depended on our exertion.

Catherine McAuley

June 05

The way ahead will not be shown by legislation, but by people who are in touch with their own deepest spirit where the spirit of God resides.

M Gabrielle Jennings

June 04

God grant that I may carry my cross not drag it along.

M Ursula Frayne

June 03

Catherine’s prayer life grew with constant nourishment from her activities for the poor.

Mary Daly

June 02

It is for God we serve the poor and not for thanks.

Catherine McAuley

June 01

A happy lot is ours!

M Ignatius McQuoin

May 31

Many do not enter the road of prayer because they are not humble enough to make inquiries.

M Frances Warde

May 30

Her [Catherine's] absorption in the Word of God, written and incarnate, called her to imitate the example of Jesus in translating the love of God to others.

Joanna Regan and Isabelle Keiss

May 29

Wherever a religious woman presides, peace and good order are generally to be found.

Catherine McAuley

May 28

Our story shows a growing awareness of the injustices in our own hearts as well as in the political and economic structures in our country and world.

Gabrielle Jennings

May 27

No work of charity can be more productive of good to society ... than the careful instruction of women..

Catherine McAuley