Thursday 04 March 1897
Death of M de Sales Meagher, Foundress of Cooktown, Cairns, from Dungarvan, Co Waterford
June 29, 1883

Portland separated from Manchester; foundation of Sisters of Mercy, Maine

June 29, 1883

Foundation to Portlais from Cahir - M Peter Claver McCarthy

June 29, 1885

Foundation to Clogheen from Cahir - M Bernard Vaughan

June 30, 1837

Death of novice M Aloysius Thorpe at Baggot St

June 30, 1990

Albany motherhouse ravaged by fire

July 01, 2000

Sr.Patricia Bell, North Shields, England, enrolled first 8 children into Youth Mercy Associates.(YMA)

July 01, 1999

Mercy Pacific Hui held in Kaikoura.

July 01, 1977

Opening of St Catherine's Villa, Grafton - M Eymard Kennedy

July 01, 1959

Pittsburgh Sisters assume sponsorship of Holy Cross Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

July 01, 1896

Sisters invited to take charge of Hospital in Castletownbere, Co Cork

July 02, 1844

First Foundation of Sisters of Mercy in the Archdiocese of Westminster in Queen Square, Bloomsbury

July 02, 1851

St Joseph's Church, Cordier Hill, Guernsey, Channel Islands designed by A W Pugin opened.

July 02, 1897

Opening of Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Sacramento, California

July 02, 1874

Dediction of St Catherine's Convent, Tralee

July 03, 1942

7 Sisters evacuated from Alderney, Channel Islands join the Gravesend Sisters in Hartley, Kent.

July 03, 1842

M Catherine Gogarty professed Baggot St, died Perth 1846

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July 03, 1836

Catherine's niece, M Anne Agnes professed, Baggot St

July 04, 2005

Mercy Sculpture Centre, in Melbourne, Australia, is officially opened - Sister Gael O'Leary

July 04, 1916

Union of Sisters of Mercy, Cloyne

July 05, 1872

Connecticut (Hartford) community became independent of Providence, Rhode Island – M Pauline Maher

July 06, 1889

Death of Sr Evangelist Benson, Foundress of Derby Convent.

July 06, 1837

Foundation to Cork from Baggot St - M Clare Moore

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July 06, 1880

Death of M Liguori Gibson, Foundress of Liverpool

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July 06, 1847

Death of M Aloysia Strange, first Sister professed in the Americas