Thursday 04 March 1897
Death of M de Sales Meagher, Foundress of Cooktown, Cairns, from Dungarvan, Co Waterford
Death of M Alacoque Ryan, Foundress of Mansfield - Lilydale, Victoria
Foundation to Rosslare from Wexford - M Agnes Maguire
Foundation to Nenagh from Birr - M Anastasia Beckett
Foundation to Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary from Birr - M de Pazzi Fitzgerald
Catherine leased property on the corner of Baggot St and Herbert St, Dublin
Evacuation of school children from Cordier Hill, Guernsey, Channel Islands during WWII.
Foundation to Downpatrick from Belfast - M Aloysius Brady
Death of M Clare Dunphy, Foundress of Parramatta, from Callan
Foundation to Leeds from Bermondsey - Sr Benedict Joseph Meyer.
Wellington experienced a major earthquake. The brick Convent at Brougham Street was severely damaged. None of the Sisters were harmed.
Foundation to Midhurst from Brighton
Foundation to Cooktown, Queensland from Dungarvan - M de Sales Meagher
Foundation to St John Baptist, Tralee from Killarney - M Elizabeth O'Riordan
Foundation to Oldham, Lancashire from Barnsley, Yorkshire - Sr Angela Borini and four Sisters.
Foundation to Chimbote, Peru from Pittsburgh
Motor Mission begun by Brisbane Sisters - M Dolores Lyne
Foundation to Newry, Co Down from Kinsale - M Catherine O'Connor
Death of M Philomena Dwyer, diarist of foundation to Auckland
Final profession of first Maori Sister, Elizabeth Ihaka
Foundation to St Louis from New York - M Magdalen de Pazzi Bentley
Aldeburgh Convent, Suffolk founded from Abingdon, Berkshire, England - Sr Francis Boulger.
Foundation to Baltimore from Pittsburgh - M Catherine Wynne
Mission to Alaska from Albany - Arlene Boyd