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Submit a Bibliographical Item
Submit a book or article written by or about the Sister of Mercy
The following is an attempt to list all the published books, articles and multimedia productions by or about the Sisters of Mercy since the founding of the Congregation in 1831.
Mother Xavier Maguire: A Woman of Faith and Vision
Geelong, Victoria 2019
Quadrinity Online: Towards a Fuller Expression of Transformative Learning
Dark Pines Under Water: Chthonic Knowing in Organic Inquiry as Compass for Transformative Learning
New York: Columbia University, 2003.
The Resonant Path: Poetry as Embodied Knowing
Toronto: Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education, 2002.
When Ruins Are All That’s Visible: Exploring the Chaotic Moment in Transformative Learning
Toronto: Transformative Learning, OISE, 2002.
Original Fire: The Hidden Transformation of Catholic Vowed Women Echoing Women’s Dilemma
San Francisco: California Institute of Integral Studies, 2002.
A Wild Radiance: Participatory Consciousness Restructuring
Toronto: n.p., 2001.
Strengthen Your Mercy Heart
With Fidelity. 249-262.
Knowing What We Know: Speaking Out the Inner Experiences of Catholic Vowed Women
San Francisco: California Institute of Integral Studies, 2000.
How To Do Better Research
Georgetown: Demerara Publishers, 1990; reprinted, Georgetown: Sheik Hassan, 2001.
Drawing Aside the Veils—The OMEGA Order in New Zealand
n.p.: Caleonie Publications, n.d.