This DVD presents an edited version of the inaugural Catherine McAuley Symposium, held in Brisbane on September 8, 2008. The aim of this gathering was to consider the story of Catherine McAuley, as we reinterpret her charism in the light of the needs of Australia today.
The DVD is divided into two sections: PART ONE sets the context of the occasion and presents the keynote address.
PART TWO contains responses from three speakers who are currently engaged in Mercy ministries.
This resource could be used in small or large groups of sisters, colleagues, associates or senior students. It is recommended that a break be taken after the keynote address (Part One) for reflection or discussion. Questions are offered to assist this process.
The Responses (Part Two) name many challenges for Mercy today and will evoke robust discussion.
Alternatively, a group may prefer to invite respondents from the local area to share the thoughts that arise for them as they reflect on the keynote address.
Price: AUD 20
Produced byFraynework for theSisters of Mercy of Australia
55 Barry Street
Victoria, Australia, 3053
Tel:+61 3 9349 4696
Fax: +61 3 9349 1604