Mercy International Reflection Process

A worldwide reflection process for the Year of Mercy for Sisters of Mercy and partners-in-Mercy to discern together globally a shared response to the 'cry of the Earth and the cry of the Poor' in our world today.

Mercy International Reflection Process


We are delighted to make available here on our website the Report: Review of the Mercy International Reflection Process: "What has been discovered? What has been revealed?" which was released on Friday, 21 April, 2017.

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During the last week of March this year, the Institute and Congregation MIRP Co-ordinators, the MIRP Guiding Team, Elizabeth Davis rsm, liaison with the MIA Members (Leaders) and Mary Reynolds rsm, MIA Executive Director...

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17 Aug 2018

Invitation: Be a Voice of Mercy on the Effects of Climate Change in Your Location

Tertiary level students, ages 18-20, studying in various disciplines at Holy Infant College,...


13 Aug 2018

Foundation Day Prayer Service 2016 Available for Download

Editor: At the opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy we gathered in our holy places and prayed for...


13 Aug 2018

Music for the Ritual to Give Thanks for the Year of Mercy

In preparation for closing the Year of Mercy, we invite you to practise your singing. Here we are...


13 Aug 2018

Explanation of Stage Four of the Process: Elaine Wainwright rsm

In this video clip Elaine Wainwright rsm, International Director of the Mercy International...


13 Aug 2018

Explanation of Stage Three of the Process: Elaine Wainwright rsm

In this video clip Elaine Wainwright rsm, International Director of the Mercy International...


13 Aug 2018

FILMS Worth Checking Out while engaged in Personal Reflection over December-January

 Here are six recent and new releases you might look out for, on the big screen or on dvd or...


13 Aug 2018

Materiales de difusión sobre medio ambiente y pueblos indígenas

Reciba un cordial saludo, Adjunto para su conocimiento materiales de difusión elaborados...


13 Aug 2018

Resources for Stage Three of the Process: MIRP VOICES

Resources for Stage Three of the Process:14 interviews with scholars and other experts can be...


13 Aug 2018

Explanation of Stage Two of the Process: Elaine Wainwright rsm

In this video clip Elaine Wainwright rsm, International Director of the Mercy International...


13 Aug 2018

Resources for Engaging with Laudato Si'

Multiple formats collected in 2015/16


13 Aug 2018

More Movies and Documentaries (1)

Here are some more recent and new releases you might look out for, on the big screen or on dvd or...


13 Aug 2018

Catherine McAuley and Earth: Catalina McAuley y Nuestra Tierra

“Ecology” was not a term with which Catherine McAuley (1778-1841) could have been...


13 Aug 2018

'Nuestro Llamado a Lamentar y a Obrar con Misericordia’ de Mary Sullivan, rsm

'...El Proceso Internacional de Reflexión de la Misericordia que ahora empieza es un don de...


13 Aug 2018

More Movies and Documentaries (2)

Return of the River Return of the River is a feature documentary that tells the story of the...


13 Aug 2018

Our Congregations & Institutes Respond to Laudato Si'

Mercy Congregations and Institutes respond to the long-awaited encyclical on ecology and the...


13 Aug 2018

Perspectives on 'Laudato Si'

We invite reflections on the encyclical from your part of the Mercy world for publishing on the...


13 Aug 2018

Text of Laudato Si': Written and audio formats

The text of Laudato Si' is made available here in both text and audio formats. TEXT 1....



01 Sep-04 Oct 2016

Resources and Activities for the Season of Creation 2016

13 DecInvalid date

Prayer for Opening Local Doors of Mercy

13 DecInvalid date

Oracion para la Apertura de la Puerta del Jubileo

30 Nov-11 Dec 2015

Join Mercy in Prayer on 'The Road to Paris'

30 Nov-11 Dec 2015

Unanse a nosotras en oracion en 'El Camino a Paris'

22 Jul-12 Dec 2016

Calendar of key dates and events

22 Jul-12 Dec 2016

Calendario de fechas y eventos claves

Mercy International Reflection Process Guidebook

Mercy International Reflection Process Guidebook

A Guide for using the process and the themes of Laudato Si', On Care for our Common Home

Global Action

The entire Mercy family is called to continue our engagement with processes flowing from the Mercy International Reflection Process.